Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Niall Ferguson - Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria -- Niall Ferguson on "War of the World"

Some Fartlek round the Tan with history of 20th Century violence by Niall Ferguson

Tonight I did a bit of running round the Tan, as usual. Didn't time myself though, just doing what I'd call light fartlek, and listening to Niall Ferguson's The War of the World on Audible. 49 minutes in. Fascinating, a lot of talk on the violence of the 20th Century.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Boot camp meal

Fish and pak choy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Run fat boy run

chubby cat

The man mass loss challenge never really got off the ground like it was supposed to. Hey ho. I'm back in the running game, and have been posting some incredible times round the Tan, like 22 minutes a lap ! (Well ok, it's good for someone who's 10kg above his fighting weight, and hasn't done any real exercise in months, maybe years).

I'm twittering about my mean feats as I go.