Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Detox after an excessive weekend

64/365 Taking a Detox

We all have those weekends that leave us feeling less than 100 percent on a Monday morning. Too much food, a few too many drinks, and not enough exercise. On Monday you feel bloated in your work clothes, and vow to a life of moderation.

I'm going to restart the food diary again, as I need to detox. I was counting the alcohol units for a few weeks there, I'm sure it really helped me to keep the drinks lower. But I've fallen off the wagon so to speak, and the last 10 days pe so have been having a couple beers or glasses of wine most nights, certainly not binge drinking, but definitely a few too many calories.

Last night I had a bit of a sugar binge, after too much food generally over the weekend.

So today I'm cutting right back. At leest for a few days, detox.

Breakfast was a few Weetabix with milk, washed down with a black coffee. Through the morning I had more coffee, some slice fruit (melon, strawberries), and 2 apples.

Lunch was a sushi box (tasty and healthy), with more water throughout the afternoon. Come 1pm I was getting a bit light headed. When you're detoxing its tempting to skip meals, but it really doesn't do you any good. Better instead to eat better quality food. Such as sushi. A mixed sushi set offers high quality protein, taste, veg and just enough carbs to give energy for the afternoon.

At the end of the day, I had a 30 min gym session, followed by egg, tomato & rice, and importantly, no alcohol.

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