Saturday, May 10, 2008

How to make your iTunes library manageable by culling

As an aside today, I thought it's worth mentioning what I'm doing with my iTunes library. The library goes up and down over the years, and at the moment is sitting at 83.30GB of music (that doesn't include all the audiobooks and podcasts I have that don't show up in the main iTunes window.

Every so often I perform a "cull". That is, I go through the library, very quickly, and delete as much of the music that I can - music I know I don't really like in the end, have tried but have gone off, or just never really liked in the first place. The problem with having so much music at your fingertips, easy to borrow, easy to download, easy to buy, is that you end up with too much, more than you can handle. It's the iTunes equivalent of Information Overload. Not to mention the fact that it is taking up vital hard drive space, space which I don't even include in my Time Machine backup.

So for the next 10 minutes, I'm going on a culling spree .....

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